Passage of May 7 Zero-Mill Bond will still keep Clio Area Schools with one of the lowest debt levies in the area.
11 months ago, Craig Nelson
Graph comparing Clio's debt levy to others districts in the area  Clio is second to lowest at 3.75 mills
CIS Families: April 12 Newsletter
11 months ago, Brian Trebilcock
Clio Elementary and Clio Intermediate students, family and friends are invited to a special fundraiser at Skateland this Thursday, April 11 from 6 to 8 p.m. that will feature none other than Stitch
11 months ago, Craig Nelson
Flyer about Skateland fundraiser featuring Stitch on Thursday, April 11 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Skateland for CES and CIS students, familes and friends
Please read a letter from Superintendent Taylor here:
11 months ago, Craig Nelson
CIS Families: Here is a link to register current 4th Graders for Band next year.
11 months ago, Brian Trebilcock
Entire community invited to take a tour of Clio Elementary School for this week's Walk Through Wednesday, April 3 at 6:30 p.m.
11 months ago, Craig Nelson
Walk through WEdnesday at Clio Elementary at 6:30 p.m. April 3.
CIS staff and students are all encouraged to wear blue tomorrow, April 2, to show support for Autism Awareness Month!
11 months ago, Brian Trebilcock
CIS Families: March 22 Newsletter
12 months ago, Brian Trebilcock
Due to predicted weather conditions, Clio Area Schools will be closed today, Friday, March 22.
12 months ago, Craig Nelson
Clio Area Schools will be closed Friday, March 22
Walk Through Wednesday at Clio High School tonight! Come and see all of the upgrades and more during tonight's Walk Through Wednesday at Clio High School. Find out what improvements have been made with the 2020 Bond funds and more that are soon to be completed. The event is open to the entire communtity and begins at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there!
12 months ago, Craig Nelson
Clio High School logo
Intro to Dance class offered for 3-6 year olds
12 months ago, Craig Nelson
Intro to Dance class offered for 3-6 year olds.  Register by 3:00 today
Safety and security for both students and staff are of utmost importance in Clio Area Schools. Thanks to voter support of our 2020 Bond, new locks were installed that allow anyone to instantly lock or unlock classroom doors, from the inside only, without having to find or retrieve a key. There are many examples like this that seem like small things and may go unnoticed, but that could indeed play a signicant role in keeping students and staff safe in an emergency. We appreciate the community's support.
12 months ago, Craig Nelson
Side by side photos of new door locks in locked and unlocked positions
Clio Elementary and Clio Intermediate School students, family and friends are invited to a Skate with Bubbles the Blind Beagle fundraiser on Thursday, March 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Skateland Arena.
about 1 year ago, Craig Nelson
Flyer for SKate with Bubbles teh Blind Beagle at Skalteland Arena on March 7 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Reminder that Tuesday, March 5 is a 2-hour delayed start to the school day.
about 1 year ago, Craig Nelson
Two hour delayed sstarat to school on March 5.
Come and enjoy Clio Glow Skate fundraising event tomorrow, Thursday, February 22 at Skateland
about 1 year ago, Craig Nelson
Flyer about Clio Glow Skate fundraising event tomorrow at Skateland
Good morning! Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, February 19 at Clio Area Schools. Please stay safe and enjoy the long weekend. Also remember that the free Clio Cares event with magician and a host of community resources will be held on Tuesday, February 20 at Clio High School.
about 1 year ago, Craig Nelson
Flyer detailing free Clio Cares event on Feb. 20 featuring magician, refreshments and more.
Today is National School Resource Officer Day and we would like to express our appreciation to our two oustanding SROs, Deputy Cutler and Deputy Jackson, as well as Genesee County Sheriff Christopher Swanson for not only keeping our schools safe, but for providing such great role models for our students. Thank-you!!!
about 1 year ago, Craig Nelson
SROs Cutler and Jackson
CIS Families: February 9 Newsletter
about 1 year ago, Brian Trebilcock
Clio Community Education is offering a host of new classes. Take a look and register before they fill up!
about 1 year ago, Craig Nelson
Grphic showing the variety of communnity education classes offered
February 14 is not only Valentine's Day but also Count Day. State funding for our district depends on having every healthy students attending school that day.
about 1 year ago, Craig Nelson
Graphic encouraging attendance on Feb. 14 which is count day